måndag 5 december 2011

"You know, in Europe each nation is identified with a certain sexual practice. So if you say to your girlfriend, "let’s do it the Spanish way", it means penis between the breasts. You didn’t know this? You’re Spanish or what? At least in my country and in Germany, if you say to your girlfriend, "let’s do it the Italian way", it means anal penetration. No, that’s the Greek way. Okey, the main idea is that Greek guys are mostely gay

What’s the Slovenian way [fråga från publiken]? Eh, impotent… you do it half in the sleep, and then basically just tuch the girl in half dream. And after she awakens in the morning, you try to convince her that something happened.

And what would be the Swiss way? The first idea was the cynical one. If you are a man you don’t meet a body, a woman, you just masturbate. But I came up with a very creative idea. You know the Swiss army knife? Can you imagine a Swiss army wife? You know, masturbating with all the legs."

Zizek, under en föreläsning om Hegel

5 kommentarer:

  1. han verkar onekligen speciell. karismatisk brukar det väl heta.

  2. assoft! plus att han pratar som vore han efterbliven

  3. då ska du höra habermas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBl6ALNh18Q haha!

  4. jag tycker han är förvånansvärt bra på engelska! ful, naturligtvis, men vältalig
