söndag 16 augusti 2009

"I don't want him you can have him
He's not worth fighting for
Besides there's plenty more where he came from
I don't want him you can have him
I'm giving him the sack
And he can go right back where he came from
I'm afraid I never loved him
Sweetie he'd be better off with you
I could never make him happy

All I ever wanted to do was
Run my fingers through his curly locks
Mend his underwear and darn his socks
Fetch his slippers and remove his shoes
Wipe his glasses when he's read the news
Rub his forehead with a gentle touch
Mornings after when he's had a little too much
Kiss him gently when he cuddles near
And give him babies one for every year"

nina simone är så bra, och jag så bakfull. men det går över. way out west var jättebra, cigarettdeeptalks och fina kompisar.

2 kommentarer:

  1. du befann dig vid staketet på my bloody valentine, vänstra sidan, ja?

  2. nä, du har nog blandat ihop mig med någon annan! under my bloody valentine satt jag och drack dyr öl i öltältet, tyvärr!
